- Application, Production, and Acreage Processing
As crop insurance continues to change, so does the technology required to service your customers. Allow us to provide deadline reminders and status reports for each season.
Send us your FSA 578s and our team will review the policy for accuracy to help reduce E&O exposure.
- Document Filing/Retention
Our team will upload documents to the AIP on your behalf. We will also securely store documents to meet RMA requirements.
When it comes to storms, time is of the essence. Allow us to process your urgent hail and wind applications. Not sure about rates? Let us help you find answers.
Did storms hit while you’re out of the office? Let us submit claims on your behalf!
Need a quote, but not near a computer? Let us generate one for you!
- MPCI/Crop Hail/PRF/LRP Knowledge
RMA’s guidelines change on a yearly basis. Our office specializes only in crop insurance, so we can stay up to date on the latest trends and products available for your customers.
Create a Customized Plan for Your Agency
Partner with us. You will simply find the best service and partnership when it comes to servicing your crop book of business. Edgewater Insurance is committed to providing quality insurance products for individuals and businesses. Contact us today!
235 S 9th Street ▪ Blair, NE
Monday - Friday ▪ 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM